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时间:2024-07-01 22:45





Narcissism, is also a kind of attitude to life.


The fairy tale is a kind of life attitude, that's all.


In my opinion, "two" is also a kind of optimistic attitude towards life.


Humor is not a skill, but an attitude towards life.


Life in the gutter, still have the right to look up at the starry sky.


Base is a kind of attitude to life, but still need to base too modest.


Use of willing attitude, a happy-go-lucky life.


Thanksgiving is a life attitude, can let the life more rich.


Let oneself feast for the eyes is a kind of attitude to life and a kind of ability.


Pessimism is a kind of attitude, a brave man.


Is the life I understand, and I like everything together.


I am looking for the grade of the life, it is more like a kind of attitude to life!


Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep balance will be constant motion.


Alive, is a state of life. Lonely, is a kind of attitude to life.


Simple and crude is acting on my art, not dry is my attitude towards life!


Watchman, can is a kind of life attitude, also can be a life realm.


All problems, physical problems - this is honest attitude to life.


Unhurried manner, rather than an aggressive attitude, makes the heart more discount.


A person know why I live, can tolerate any kind of life.


Feminine flavour is a kind of state, is a kind of emotional appeal, is a kind of elegant attitude towards life.


Everyone has their own life attitude and character, have their own measure of people and things.


In life, all good things, we're met in seconds.


Test to determine the attitude to life, difficult decision way of life, choose decide success or failure of life.


Even if tomorrow is the end of the world, we are as well dressed, it is a kind of attitude towards life.


There is only one kind of heroism, is in love with life after identify the truth of life.


Life is good, to master, frame, front there is always a different scenery.


We are all very carefully the definition of the so-called happiness of life, but we are not serious.


Every day to remind yourself, you can't decide their own future, but can change their attitude towards life.


Memory is a wonderful thing, and life in the past, now, but it can affect the future.


Everything is clearly, but we are still in a hurry to miss, because you believe in fate, because I suspect that life.


I was never who know, so also is not who forget. In other people's memories in the life, is not my purpose.


Happy is the true happy, lost or cover up. This is a kind of self protection, is also a kind of attitude to life.


Life is always let us was black and blue all over, but afterwards, the injured local will become our most strong place.


Is the unremitting pursuit of life, and dare not expect too much of life and love, remuneration but is rational and sober in the face of reality.


In fact, we each person's life is one of the world, even the most ordinary person also want the world to struggle for his life.


I always believe in this world, there must be another myself, doing the I dare not do, live a life I thought.


I can take anything, but there is one thing, no, this is in certain circumstances free to choose their own attitude to life.





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