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时间:2024-06-14 19:15






















































































83、Not change yourself to please others, but for yourself.

84、For some can't change the habit, I feel a kind of fate.

85、This great world forever, constantly change stereotypes.

86、Is not this society changed me, but I never is like this.

87、Network is virtual, only knowledge can change their destiny.

88、Civilization can change the way of love, but can never kill love.

89、Only in a way to conquer death: before death to change the world.

90、When you change your own beliefs, you also changed their behavior.

91、One lucky premise, is actually he has the power to change yourself.

92、One person to another person to change, to compromise, this is love.

93、Thought to influence change destiny opportunity action destiny fate.

94、If you try to change something, first of all should accept many things.

95、Success requires change, with the result of the new way to change the past.

96、Use your smile to change the world, don't let the world change your smile.

97、Body is changing every day is a body, will never change that is personality.

98、I just turn the vision is focused on the point to change my opinion of things past!

99、Wealth and reputation of PangEr in front of us cut, but can't change our ambition.

100、Everyone is unique, you don't need others to change myself, to be true to yourself.

101、God created this world in seven days, so, a person's change will never take longer.

102、Luxury is a life style for me, I think it is very important to the change of my life.

103、The higher the degree of change, the personality and the higher the degree of change.

104、Who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, can really change the world.

105、Compassion may be able to save a person's soul, but will not easily change your life.

106、In an environment of life, the strong and the weak boundary is that who can change it.

107、Time take away everything, long will put your name, appearance, character, fate change.

108、Future go among us, in order to for a long time will change our first before it happens.

109、We called snob people, no matter in what form, all can't change the nature of snobbery.

110、Words with the popularity of an idea, the degree of innovation is no less habits change.

111、Change easier than breaking bad habits, good habits, this is the life of a great failure.

112、Calm in the face of life things do not change, efforts to pay those things you can change.

113、Can be changed over time and the world and his nature, the destiny is always in his hands.

114、Only change ourselves, radical action, is the only way to change their surrounding society.

115、Whoever thought destiny goddess wouldn't change his mind, will be laughed at by the world.

116、Person's intelligence is according to how people learn to change the nature and development.

117、Environment is to change by someone, but the educator himself must be influenced by education.

118、There were no more persuasive than time because time without notice, we can change everything.

119、You do every day in many seem pointless, but one day one of your decision can change your life.

120、Get along with loved ones for a long time is the secret of: give up the idea of changing object.

121、Sometimes, we is not what people, what matter, we such as time, such as time, let oneself change.

122、Truth will not change by people's misunderstanding, also won't do correction as human feelings.

123、Who said that? I just put the vision is focused on the point to change my opinion of things past!

124、People always say that time can change everything, but in fact you need their own efforts to change.

125、You accept good than complain, for the immutable fact, in addition to accept, you have no better way.

126、No matter how hard, if not to achieve the target of make people change, it's not in training talents.

127、Good and evil is not the same thing, but the changing of place and position. Balance is good in itself.

128、Admit that poverty is not shameful. On the contrary, to try to change the poverty is not really shameful.

129、The law of the universe is only one it will never change, that's all changing, everything is impermanent.

130、Don't change the environment but can change yourself; Don't change the fact, but can change the attitude.

131、Everyone wants to change the world, to change others, but no one thought I didn't do his own expectations.

132、Who knows what life will be change, but you have to believe that you can change your life change the world.

133、Young when we are thinking of going to change the world, in the end, we have been is the change in the world.

134、When people learn to laugh at myself and able to laugh at your own stupidity and do wrong, he began to change.

135、Where the love is the most let a person cannot master, I don't know what time to what time will bring change.

136、Around like a magnet attracts iron powder, also can attract the people around you, change the situation around.

137、In order not to let the life regret and regret, we should seize every chance to change life as much as possible.

138、In politics, as in religion, in order to force people to change beliefs, with fire and sword is also ridiculous.

139、Youth as long as working towards a big goal, era ship will turn! Youth just screams justice, history will change!

140、Access to psychological peace method is to change people's ideas, you should try to develop natural state of mind.

141、Be yourself, don't change yourself for anyone, if he can't accept the worst you, so he is not worthy of your best.

142、Our life has too many helpless, we can't change, is weak to change, to make matters worse, we lost the change idea.

143、Can you believe that a mountain to move the position, but don't have to believe that a person changed his personality.

144、There is any problem, first from yourself to find the problem. Because change yourself easy, but hard to change others.

145、Long-term formation of the customs can not easily break; Who tried to change his way of life, the result is often useless.

146、Don't believe you don't have friends forever, people are in change, believe in yourself, you will gradually become happy!

147、In our society, there must be a change agent of material life, so you can put the lifeblood of a future in their own hands.

148、Environmental change and human activities, and can only be seen as a reasonably understood as the practice of the revolution.

149、As long as the heart not disorderly, the outside world is hard to change what you are. Don't envy others, don't lose yourself.

150、With the courage to change can change things, with mind change does not change things, use wisdom to distinguish the difference.

151、A wise man is the creator of his own fate. Who want to change your fate, you have to work hard, otherwise will accomplish nothing.

152、In order to cater to the direction of the wind and change their ideas, we think that is bad, despicable, someone who has no belief.

153、There is only time will not change because of anyone anything, but time can change a lot of things, and even can change everything.

154、Solar energy faster than the wind take off your coat; Very kind and friendly way easier than any violence to change someone's mind.

155、You meet every day ten million people, is not a real touches your heart. And then you meet one person, your life is changed forever.

156、For countries to love! China to developed country, China is poor for thousands of years, and now it's time to change this situation.

157、How a person's nature, the fact that there is no change, vats again big, also can not change the nature of a man, what blame society?

158、Even if you don't think anything, it is changing bit by bit. The stillness of the time also in the mobile. Even to the direction of the end.

159、You want to change because you want to change, not for anyone, is afraid that people will disappoint you, you have to play back to prototype.

160、Smiling face, not to complain, carefree, along with the gender, fate, doomed to let life change, only in one hundred, after the flower bloom time.

161、Don't go to the truth, the struggle to defend the party's benefit, see a wrong not remedy, it is not changed, what is the communist party member.

162、For others to change yourself is the most foolish but, in the end you will find too much injustice, and others to sacrifice doesn't appreciate you.

163、Have the courage to change can change things, have a mind to accept the things that cannot be changed, have the wisdom to distinguish the difference.

164、For others to change yourself is the most foolish but, in the end you will find that the injustice is too big, and the sacrifice for you may not appreciate.





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